Recruiting is a critical step for all companies that aspire to improve their services and professional skills. Both the employer and the human resources manager have a vested interest in selecting the right person for any given position.  But this task is not without its pitfalls. In fact, a failed recruitment can generate many constraints in addition to wasting time. What are the tools and good practices to adopt in order to bring an economic added value to your activity?

The recruitment processes

The recruitment of new employees is above all an essential step in the installation of a professional activity. If the process consists in filling the available positions, the approach can be a little complicated, insofar as a simple interview is often not sufficient to reveal the skills and shortcomings of a candidate. A successful recruitment requires a match between the individual potential of the candidate and the requirements of the position. This is why it is important to prepare a well-targeted application, aiming to test any proposed profile.

The crucial steps of a recruitment

Here are the steps to follow when recruiting: The setting up of a detailed description sheet relating the qualifications and skills required for the position to be filled, the setting up of the recruitment campaign by the choice of the recruitment sources: in a recruitment agency, with advertisements in the press or online recruitment... defining the means and procedures of recruitment, i.e., the type of press for the advertisement, the contract with the recruitment agency and the online intermediary. The elaboration of the selection process for the choice of the adequate profiles (selection of the CVs, interview(s)...), The final decision preparation of the work contract, The integration of the recruit and judgement of the perspicacity of the recruitment.

Tools for recruiting

The impact of the recruitment process on business is far-reaching. The human resources manager must invest all his know-how and efforts in this issue. The implementation of selection filters that will allow them to refine their search as much as possible is a must. Among the most recommended recruitment tools for the human resources department, we can mention: Aptitude tests, which are a barometer to gauge the qualifications, abilities and aptitudes of a candidate for a job. Psychotechnical tests, which are based on the detection of cognitive abilities to judge the intellectual capacities of recruits. Personality tests, which study a candidate's personality, particularly their interpersonal skills. At this stage, two types of tests are used: the exploration test, which calls on individual structuring and analysis skills, and the personality questionnaire and graphology. But be careful not to forget the essential web tools that will increase the social capital and the notoriety of the company. To do this, you need to bring: A career page or microsite to better attract candidates on an ongoing basis, better propel your employer brand and position your careers in line with your environment, your values and your vision. Social networks that will attract more potential candidates to your website with more effective and relevant ads. A dashboard and indicators: each social network and your website (via Google Analytics) with various tools that help you track the performance of your actions and readjust as needed.