As soon as a product is put on sale, its data is sent to several sales channels. This can be done directly, physically, in print, on the web or through intermediary distributors. Each intermediary or channel has to send the product information. This information can be its price, its name, its specificities, its technical sheet in PDF, its variations...

For which reasons does Product Information Management or PIM exist?

The integration of new products in its own product catalog remains a real investment. Indeed, it is essential to create loyalty and interest among customers who are constantly changing. This applies even more to the retail world. The growth of product data and references constitutes a daily truth which purchasing and marketing teams must face. These integrations of new products contribute to stock rotations with life cycles that are constantly being reduced. In order to get used to this new reality of commerce, one must be specifically skilled. This technique allows the addition of product information without overwhelming teams and customers. The intensification of sales channels and the complexity of devices are making it increasingly difficult to keep a database up to date. In such a situation, the integration of a software allowing to optimize and facilitate the management of product information seems undeniable.

Concentrate and standardize the management of your product data

How do you currently manage your product information? Do your groups have a platform where all the data is standardized and concentrated? An article specific to this topic talks about the need for this kind of solution. Without centralization, you may find obstacles on the road to the idyllic omnichannel product experience. With information scattered across numerous sources (Excel files, etc.) or third-party solutions (CRM, ERP, etc.), your groups see time fly by. In fact, they spend time collecting, filling in, checking and arranging the content produced for each channel. This is composed of social networks, website, marketplace, store, etc. To neglect your product data on one channel is to expose yourself to the threat of missing out on your customers' attention and driving away their buying decisions.

Keep track of your product information

Check the centralization! However, it would be gullible to believe that this is enough in order to guarantee a maximized quality of your product data. Therefore, in order for you to benefit from their potential, solutions such as PIM, PXM... must provide support for data quality. All of this becomes possible with dashboards. The options should hold the completion rate of your product sheets, a prompt entry to incomplete products. Not to mention the support of translations or even the support of the exploitation rights of your images... Also think about workflows! Robotize as much as possible the processing of data (enrichment, translation, creation, publication, etc.) to allow your groups to be aware of the missions in progress and their progression.