Sales and marketing automation is the process of automating sales and marketing tasks. This can include anything from email marketing to lead generation and customer relationship management. Sales and marketing automation can help businesses save time and money by automate repetitive tasks, and improve efficiency and effectiveness by providing real-time data and insights, consult this page for further information.
Sales and marketing automation is the process of using technology to automate tasks related to sales and marketing. This can include everything from automating the process of sending out marketing emails to tracking the results of marketing campaigns. Automation can help sales and marketing teams work more efficiently and effectively, freeing up time to focus on other tasks.
Sales automation is the process of using technology to streamline and automate sales activities. This can include anything from automating lead capture and follow-up to automating the creation of quotes and proposals. Sales automation can help companies close more deals in less time, and with less effort. It can also help sales teams stay organized and focused on the most important tasks.
Sales automation and marketing automation are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between the two. Sales automation refers to the use of technology to automate the sales process, including tasks like lead generation, contact management, and opportunity tracking. Marketing automation, on the other hand, refers to the use of technology to automate marketing tasks like email marketing, social media campaigns, and targeted ads.
Sales automation is a must-have for any sales team that wants to be efficient and effective. By automating repetitive tasks, salespeople can focus on the human element of selling, like building relationships and closing deals. Marketing automation is also critical for businesses that want to scale their marketing efforts. With automation, businesses can send more targeted and personalized messages to their customers, which can result in more conversions.
Sales and marketing automation is a process that uses technology to automate sales and marketing tasks. This can include tasks such as lead generation, customer segmentation, email marketing, and social media marketing. Automation can help companies improve their sales and marketing efficiency, and it can also help them scale their operations.
As soon as a product is put on sale, its data is sent to several sales channels. This can be done directly, physically, in print, on the web or through intermediary distributors. Each intermediary or channel has to send the product information. This information can be its price, its name, its specificities, its technical sheet in PDF, its variations…
The integration of new products in its own product catalog remains a real investment. Indeed, it is essential to create loyalty and interest among customers who are constantly changing. This applies even more to the retail world. The growth of product data and references constitutes a daily truth which purchasing and marketing teams must face. These integrations of new products contribute to stock rotations with life cycles that are constantly being reduced.
In order to get used to this new reality of commerce, one must be specifically skilled. This technique allows the addition of product information without overwhelming teams and customers. The intensification of sales channels and the complexity of devices are making it increasingly difficult to keep a database up to date. In such a situation, the integration of a software allowing to optimize and facilitate the management of product information seems undeniable.
How do you currently manage your product information? Do your groups have a platform where all the data is standardized and concentrated? An article specific to this topic talks about the need for this kind of solution. Without centralization, you may find obstacles on the road to the idyllic omnichannel product experience.
With information scattered across numerous sources (Excel files, etc.) or third-party solutions (CRM, ERP, etc.), your groups see time fly by. In fact, they spend time collecting, filling in, checking and arranging the content produced for each channel. This is composed of social networks, website, marketplace, store, etc. To neglect your product data on one channel is to expose yourself to the threat of missing out on your customers’ attention and driving away their buying decisions.
Check the centralization! However, it would be gullible to believe that this is enough in order to guarantee a maximized quality of your product data. Therefore, in order for you to benefit from their potential, solutions such as PIM, PXM… must provide support for data quality. All of this becomes possible with dashboards.
The options should hold the completion rate of your product sheets, a prompt entry to incomplete products. Not to mention the support of translations or even the support of the exploitation rights of your images… Also think about workflows! Robotize as much as possible the processing of data (enrichment, translation, creation, publication, etc.) to allow your groups to be aware of the missions in progress and their progression.
The right way to manage your suppliers’ data will help you build an efficient purchasing system and to optimize your PIM (Product Information Management). However, it’s quite difficult to manage it, since it’s the data of thousands of people. But you can always use dedicated software to do the import as well as the control.
Companies that are visible on an international scale are sometimes confronted with the following concern: each reference supplier data is managed on a local scale at a site. Controlling this product information data in a redundant manner can result in a rather large administrative burden for you and your suppliers. In addition, their decentralized reference can prevent you from having a global view of your employees.
With a dedicated software, you will quickly set up a centralized database for the control and the import of reference data. The employees that are located anywhere in the world will have access to these up-to-date and very consistent databases. For more details, simply click here.
You must first of all integrate each product information into the data before importing the RIB and the contacts. Start by downloading the column headers of your file that you want to import. The columns with an asterisk must necessarily be filled in. If you need help, don’t hesitate to consult the software guide.
When your document is saved in the right format, you can insert it into the database instance. This means that you have to choose the file of the location. You can have an indicator of imported file. When the operation is completed, the system can display a report that will allow you to monitor the progress of the whole process. When the general information is inserted, you can then import your contacts.
Currently, the technologies of management of supplier data have become a major issue for some organizations. In fact, they manipulate data in a heterogeneous way (multiple systems, governed data, difficult processes…). All of this implies an urbanisation, a control as well as a frequent update of the supplier data.
Be aware that there are major interests in the control and the management of a database. You need then to make a cleaning, a control of all the processes of creation, a guarantee concerning the integrity and the reliability of these bases, but also a centralization of information. You must also synchronize them with the systems of the company and share the documents.
The workflow stands in general at the center of the business process management or BPM. It consists of a technique aimed essentially at automating the company’s process in order to remain reactive and competitive. In fact, the validation workflow is identified by numerous automatic regulations. The rules of validation allow to reach a status and to validate the information. In addition, the advance rules allow you to issue an alert once the validation time is expired. But how do you set up a good workflow?
A good workflow must be complete and relevant in order to ensure a good management of the information produced or the management of the product information. Before proceeding with its implementation, it appears essential to know what this methodology is really about. To do this, the company must determine the object on which the workflow will be based on ( invoicing, vacation requests, time sheets, expense reports, etc) . In order to select a specific object, it is necessary to spend some time for a good classification and an efficient identification of the processes. Afterwards, the validation process related to this object can be easily decrypted.
The workflows constitute a series of necessary steps in the course of a product’s life. These phases, from the product information management to its validation, follow each other in a well-defined order. This process must be broken down into steps in order for the production flow to remain efficient. To do this, it is up to you to clearly visualize the sequence of each phase. Adding additional steps will be an unnecessary waste of time. Otherwise, consider the real value of an intermediate step if you have to add it.
The product information management or even the validation of a product requires the implementation of an efficient workflow. This process will have an impact on the entity’s performance since it plays a determining role at many levels. It allows to follow the activity in a proper way. The business processes will be modeled in order to better visualize the evolution of the activities. The workflows allow to follow up the different phases of the product life cycle. In other words, they guarantee a good traceability of the business process and a reinforced control of your company’s activity. The implementation of a workflow is also essential to reduce the risk of any failure. In this way, the tasks will be automated and the information produced will be centralized in a single storage space by means of an information flow.
In some cases, the sources of information are multiple so the organization of product information becomes a true headache. However, given the existence of PIM or Product Information Management, it is now possible to distribute this product information in a precise and efficient way. The right structure of this product information contributes to a good business approach of a company in the e-commerce sector.
In order to set up a planning project for product information, it is necessary to define an outline. In fact, a dictionary of data is important, in other words, it is where the rules of validation, the various classifications, etc will be placed. Following this, the manager must establish the expectations of the different channels and multiple services. After that, think about the enrichments of the data to obtain added value. Nevertheless, this is just the design of the project, the main thing is to connect the PIM to possible sources. Among them: Excel files, or also the vertical business bases or the supplier bases of the most varied formats, DAM to manage the media, etc. For more details please visit
The simplest but the most adequate solution is undoubtedly the use of PIM software. They offer multiple functionalities related to data management for information. In the first place, the adoption of a PIM system helps to manage product catalogs. In this way, it participates enormously in the stewardship of product files. It also acts in the import of data collected from any source. In addition, PIM puts data in the hands of the right users.
The standards in the market are becoming more and more demanding. It is therefore very important to track and manage product information profitably, from the design stage through the sale. As a matter of fact, it risks several harmful consequences to the company such as the scattering of data and their duplication in different files. This will then generate errors in the process of launching new products. The risk of this happening is major, and it can appear from the beginning of the design process of the new product. In other words, the information is imprecise and especially not clear nor detailed. And if the information does not sufficiently meet the regulatory requirements, there are risks of problems that will arise in the sales figures. For example, in the case of data that are essential to correctly complete the Product Information File.
Marketing is always essential for the commercialization of any given product. As a business technique, in a sale, there is always a distribution channel to be properly mastered. In order not to suffer from bad luck, the selection of the latter is an irrefutable habit on the part of a company.
The PIM (product information management) requires highly professional channels. The first communication channel which is cheaper and more convenient is to opt for the broadcasting through the radio, the billboards and the press. It is quite traditional, but it is still effective since older people will always be well targeted. While speaking about paper diffusion, magazines also remain as a good alternative, as they can be available in printed and in digital form. But if the company wants an optimal recognition by their public, then the best option will be to lean towards the web world. And when we speak about the web, it indeed concerns social networks, the internet (like, mailing and the master of words is e-marketing. If necessary, you should not miss fairs, workshops and exhibitions for more publicity.
First of all, supplying its publication channels turns out to be very important since it allows the company to keep its current customers. Indeed, the company will be able to offer necessary information to its customers on their usual media. In addition, the daily update of the online catalog will be guaranteed. Sharing and updating its publications on channels such as web offers the opportunity to make its relationship with its customers more dynamic. Guaranteeing a better profitability, this communication plan also allows you to reach your objectives in a more profitable way. Not to mention the fact of adjusting its targets and budgets to the operation.
First of all, it is necessary to privilege the multi-channel publication with the help of platforms which are specialized in marketing. The idea is to create channels only one time, but to also ensure the publication everywhere where the PIM (product information management) potentially comes into action. Afterwards, the integration codes are also effective. In order to do so, the company had to have at least a blog or an official site. This does not require to be very skilled in web programming. You just need to properly choose the theme of the site and download templates from the internet. In this way, a mini website will be operational. In the end, you should not neglect the importance of social networks, because more than half of the world is using it regularly. Therefore, make sure that the website in question is “responsive”, which means that it can be easily discovered both on smartphones and computers.
In French, the word PIM or Product Information Management is translated as Gestion de l’Information Produit. The objectives of this tool are to publish, to improve and to collect the information which is produced. It is therefore very essential for the growth of a company.
The PIM is the acronym of the words Product Information Management. It consists of a software that allows to manage the entire data related to the sale and the promotion of products. This tool centralizes all the information on the articles, and this is done in one place.
In this way, the harmonization of the content and the reliability of the information can be easily achieved. The PIM is suitable for e-commerce managers, managers of information systems, marketers and for those who want to have consistent data for their own networks. This tool is also suitable for companies that want to strengthen relationships with their customers or their suppliers. You can find more information at
The product information management is very useful for most companies which use certain marketing strategies like B2B or B2C. It fits in with the objective of achieving a high and fast ROI, regardless of their sector of activity.
The PIM is capable of managing all of the data that revolves around the items and the products. These data are numerous and varied. For example, logistic data (dimensions, barcode, weight), the technical characteristics of the articles (color, power…), the assets or media (videos, animation, PDF document, photos…), the customer reviews that can be found on a product sheet, the marketing data related to the product (categories, product name, long or short description, etc.). It is therefore a key success factor for the e-commerce strategy of a company.
The product information management presents numerous advantages for a company. It allows you to regain control of the product information. The people in charge of the company can thus measure the completeness and classify the data by family, by category or even by group on the basis of items or products.
The managers can also establish semi-automatic or automatic validation processes. Furthermore, the company has the benefit of being alerted in real time if any errors or flaws are found (missing data, non-compliant formats, etc.).
Implementing a system of PIM within the company’s marketing strategy is therefore essential for all organizations that would like to be successful in their activities.
Cloud Computing is a modern management approach that uses the computing or storage power of remote computer servers via an Internet network. It is used in a company for the purpose of storing information and ideas. And without Cloud Computing, we will end up with technical problems. With a software with several applications and a software like Cloud computing, you will be able to put forward your ideas and your professional skills. It offers great flexibility to users depending on their level of use of the server or remote applications in SaaS mode3,4,5.
The Cloud is an IT service delivery model offering on-demand access to a shared network and a set of configurable IT resources (networks, servers, storage, applications…). The objective is to act quickly and with a minimum of administration. The Dropbox type cloud is one of the most efficient software since it allows users to securely store their documents.
To enlighten you, we have chosen an example. Today, thanks to applications such as Spotify, Apple Music, Spotify, you will be able to access all the music albums without having to use several accessories (CD, laser set…). With the Cloud, a subscription on your device will allow you to benefit from a service and data hosted at the provider of this service.
Cloud computing is much less expensive than other applications because it combines a multitude of services into one. By opting for this tool, you will no longer need to manage your IT infrastructure or invest in hardware and software, the Cloud provides everything you need. Divalto idylis, offers to small businesses the online management software.
Services are delivered over a secure datacenter network for fast, smooth performance and dramatically reduced network latency. No need to wait for new cloud services. The security of cloud computing is impeccable.
In the age of digitalization, it is only natural that individuals work from their office or home using video conferencing, instant messaging and SaaS (software-as-a-service) solutions, since they have easy access to information from anywhere. The tool connects teams and colleagues around the world. For example, with cloud-based applicant management software, recruiters can easily connect to the system via a mobile device or to review candidate profiles, access big data, build analytics, exchange files…
Recruiting is a critical step for all companies that aspire to improve their services and professional skills. Both the employer and the human resources manager have a vested interest in selecting the right person for any given position. But this task is not without its pitfalls. In fact, a failed recruitment can generate many constraints in addition to wasting time. What are the tools and good practices to adopt in order to bring an economic added value to your activity?
The recruitment of new employees is above all an essential step in the installation of a professional activity. If the process consists in filling the available positions, the approach can be a little complicated, insofar as a simple interview is often not sufficient to reveal the skills and shortcomings of a candidate. A successful recruitment requires a match between the individual potential of the candidate and the requirements of the position. This is why it is important to prepare a well-targeted application, aiming to test any proposed profile.
Here are the steps to follow when recruiting:
The setting up of a detailed description sheet relating the qualifications and skills required for the position to be filled, the setting up of the recruitment campaign by the choice of the recruitment sources: in a recruitment agency, with advertisements in the press or online recruitment… defining the means and procedures of recruitment, i.e., the type of press for the advertisement, the contract with the recruitment agency and the online intermediary. The elaboration of the selection process for the choice of the adequate profiles (selection of the CVs, interview(s)…), The final decision preparation of the work contract, The integration of the recruit and judgement of the perspicacity of the recruitment.
The impact of the recruitment process on business is far-reaching. The human resources manager must invest all his know-how and efforts in this issue. The implementation of selection filters that will allow them to refine their search as much as possible is a must. Among the most recommended recruitment tools for the human resources department, we can mention:
Aptitude tests, which are a barometer to gauge the qualifications, abilities and aptitudes of a candidate for a job. Psychotechnical tests, which are based on the detection of cognitive abilities to judge the intellectual capacities of recruits. Personality tests, which study a candidate’s personality, particularly their interpersonal skills. At this stage, two types of tests are used: the exploration test, which calls on individual structuring and analysis skills, and the personality questionnaire and graphology.
But be careful not to forget the essential web tools that will increase the social capital and the notoriety of the company.
To do this, you need to bring:
A career page or microsite to better attract candidates on an ongoing basis, better propel your employer brand and position your careers in line with your environment, your values and your vision. Social networks that will attract more potential candidates to your website with more effective and relevant ads. A dashboard and indicators: each social network and your website (via Google Analytics) with various tools that help you track the performance of your actions and readjust as needed.
If this is the first time you’ve heard the word CiviCRM, it’s only natural to wonder what it is. Generally speaking, it is a system used to simplify the management of customers, contacts and constituents and to manage their relationships.
First of all, it is important to remember that it is not always easy to manage contacts. You’ve probably been in a situation where you can’t find the address or phone number of a colleague or friend. Imagine the number of contacts in a small business and then in a large company. A simple notebook will not be enough to store them. That’s why computer scientists have decided to create contact management applications. These applications can be paid or free, depending on the wishes of their inventors. CiviCRM is a free and internationalized Web software. It was designed to meet the demands of advocacy groups, non-profit institutions and non-governmental organizations. Its main strength is the integration of Joomla, Drupal and WordPress content into its management system. In other words, you will have a wide range of tools to connect, communicate and interact with your members.
With this program, you will be able to organize, analyze, process and/or capture information related to your knowledge. It will also be indispensable for the automation and synchronization of different administrative tasks. In addition, this software facilitates the segmentation of your contacts. This feature is necessary to send the right message to the right person at the right time. If you want to develop a lasting relationship with CiviCRM, you will need to know each constituent individually. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get the most out of it.
As each new version of CiviCRM reflects the needs of its users, they indirectly contribute to the improvement of the program’s system. Nowadays, this software exists in different languages such as French (the one used in French and Canadian territory) or English. Moreover, most of the entities that have used CiviCRM are satisfied with its performance and highly recommend it.